Announcements and Calendar

True Team Sections

On Saturday, January 13th Roseville will attend True Team Sections at Stillwater Junior High School. This meet is unique in that all swimmers entered can score points, rather than just awarding points for the top five finishers in each race. Typically, teams that are "deep" do well at True team.

We are allowed to enter four individuals in each individual event and up to four relays in each relay event at this meet, which makes it similar to our regular section meet in February (though at Sections, we are only allowed one relay entry for each relay event).

The meet will begin at 1:30pm, with warmups starting at 12:00. Diving will take place at 9:00am.

Coach Richards will drive an activities bus for those who need transportation. The activities bus will depart Parkview at 11:15am on Saturday. There is a limit of 16 athletes on the activities bus, so please follow this link to reserve a spot on the bus for Saturday. People who do not ride the bus will need to get a ride to Stillwater Junior High, and arrive at 12:00pm for warmups.

Similar to the Duluth meet, this meet takes place over the lunch hour. It is a good idea to pack snacks for a meet like this, and avoid eating a large or "heavy" lunch beforehand.

Let's have a great "True Team" meet this year!

2023-24 Season Information

Registration is now open for the 2023-24 Season

The 2023-24 Swim season will begin November 27th! Please ensure that you (or your athlete) are registered and cleared to participate on the first day of practice. Registration is online at Athletes will need to have an up-to-date physical on file.

Athletes who are not registered will not be allowed on the pool deck due to liability issues, so please do not send your athlete to practice until they are registered. If you are unsure if your registration has been processed, please check with Coach Richards.

Practices are held at Parkview Center School. Athletes must enter through the main upper doors this year during the week. On school days, swim practice will be held from 3:30-5:30pm Monday through Friday except days that we have meets. Saturday practices will be held from 7-9am, but may be moved to 8-10am if athletes do not have conflicts with at 10:00 end time. We will also practice in the morning on some days when there is no school. The calendar below will be the most up to date reference for practice and meet times.

Join our Remind Class


You can download the remind app from the app store or google play. Once you've got it downloaded, you can join our "class" by entering the code @rbswimdive. You can also join by text without downloading the app by texting @rbswimdive to 81010. Information that is more time sensitive will be shared via remind, and also posted to the announcements page or the calendar. We will not send or respond to messages before 7am or after 7pm unless it is an emergency (e.g. the pool is closed practice is cancelled, etc.).


A shuttle bus will run from RAMS to RAHS to Parkview on a daily basis after school. Below are the scheduled times and stop locations:

First Stop: RAMS Arrive at 2:40, Depart at 2:45 for RAHS Bus will load on County Road B2

Second Stop: RAHS Arrive at 2:55, Depart at 3:00 for Parkview The bus will load outside of the Auditorium Entrance

Third Stop: Parkview Arrive at 3:10, Depart 3:15 (no other stops) The bus will drop off in the upper lot at Parkview

Transportation to and from meets

In the past, we have scheduled busses to pick students up at Parkview between 3:30 and 3:45pm to take them to away meets. This allows students to grab their meet supplies from their lockers before boarding the bus. Students who ride the activities bus from RAMS or RAHS to Parkview should have plenty of time to arrive and board the bus to the meet. The bus will also pick students up from the meet after it is finished and return them to Parkview.

**Due to the ongoing bus driver shortage, we cancelled busses to away meets last year as they were unreliable and on more than one occasion did not show up at all. Though it was inconvenient for families to need to arrange carpools to away meets, at least it allowed everyone a chance to plan instead of scrambling to figure out transportation if the bus didn't show up. We have scheduled busses to away meets this year, but will cancel them if there are issues with them arriving on time.**